YLOD Repair - Red and Yellow Light Flashing

Download PS3 Red Light Fix Guide

My PS3 have Red and Yellow Light Symptoms!

I have had the Yellow Light of Death problem and when you contact Sony they simply claim that you have to fork out $300 to get the problem fixed! There are also no guarantees ...

PS3 Red and Yellow Light

Can I Disassembly My PS3?

Yes! You can. With a proper repair guide with video, you can do it as easy as a professional ps3 repairman ...

Disassembly PS3

The Main Problem Is In The Hardware Part!

According to the PS3 users feedback, 90% of errors are in the hardware part. Especialally related to the motherboard overheat ...

PS3 Motherboard Fix

How To Fix PS3 Red Screen Error.

PS3 Red Screen Error is also a common fault in PS3 game console, the most possible fixes is in the part of the repair guide ...

PS3 Motherboard Fix

PS3 Freezes? Check Your Blu-Ray Drive!

PS3 got freezes? You must check the blu-ray drive. The main symptom is PS3 got hang up when playing games ...

PS3 Blu-Ray Drive Error

Can't Boot Up? Your Hard Disk Crashed!

Nothing serious than can't boot up your PS3 console! That's right, your hard disk may got failure. Follow the step-by-step repair kit to do recovery ...

PS3 Hard Disk Recovery
Latest PS3 Recovery Posts

Let's see what this user happen, his PS3 got the red light flashing errors :

And here is the video that show how his PS3 can't boot up using any method.

The problem is I try to power up the PS3, The power LED show blinking red with 3 beeps and didn't power up normally. The game controller also show red light blinking. How can I do?

The answer is simple. Have you heard that someone try to cool it down and then the PS3 can run normally after then? Yes! Someone had did it and think that they had success of this simple trick. But I can tell you that their PS3 red light blinking nightmare was back after 1 day!

What's the actual problem of the PS3 console? Is it related to overheat? Of cause... YES! But just cool it down cannot solve the problem perfectly. The secret is to fix the CPU part of PS3. The contact of heat sink and CPU is bad contact and force the whole system overheat. Seriously, If you didn't do it, the CPU may be burned out.

That's sound horrible! Can I fix it myself or I need to ask some experts for help? Honestly, most of people intend to ask experts for help. But if they can't fix it throughly, the same problem will appear again. The ideal method is to learn by yourself. The learning process is interesting. When you follow the step-by-step tutorial video to go through the repair process, you get the confidence at the same time. If the same problem happen again, you won't be afraid anymore.

I am pleased to introduce ... PS3 Repair Kit

It contains video and text book to let you know how to fix your PS3 red light flashing problem. Not only the red light flashing problem, it also cover the hard disk repair, troubleshooting, error code explanation and more...

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